Issue 3. 2016 year
Derhilova O. H.
Legal acts: definition, classification and social role
Zhurba Yu. A., Honcharenko O. A.
Lobbying: general theoretical analysis
Kiss S. V.
Constitutional definition of Ukraine as a social state: historical and legal analysis
Nalyvaiko L. R., Pizniur I. V.
Procedure of impeachment: problem questions
Hrabylnikova O. A.
Institutional guarantees of constitutional status of voters in Ukraine
Moroziuk S. M.
Principles of the realization of the constitution of Ukraine: definition, features, position in law principles
Braslavets Yu. Yu.
Main problems of liability condominiums
Vylehzhanina V. V.
Current issues transfer of lease for land leases
Hrabovyi O. A.
Influence procedural of the formation and development of general civil
Naidon A. V.
Features of the definition of “banking secrecy” regarding the contract deposit box at the bank
Patynka Yu. O.
Legal problems of the contract purchase and sale with using internet network
Pivovar D. P.
Standard contract as a regulator of contractual relations
Rieznikova M. O.
In relation to limits of trial of business by court of appellate instance
Koverznev V. O.
Create procedure in Ukraine cooperative organizations: comparative analysis
Shcherbyna Ye. M., Kulikova D. Yu.
Features of legal regulation outdoor advertising on the land plot
Skipenko R. E.
Prospects of accumulation pension system at the present stage
Heorhiievskyi Yu. V.
The balance of executive, local self-government bodies authorities as the most important management principle (constitutional and legal aspect)
Didenko S. V.
Administrative and legal status of national police for ensuring circulation and use of weapons in Ukraine
Yelisieieva M. V.
Practice examination of cases in the part concerning violations of licensing of private security activity
Kovalenko N. V.
On legal regime of cybersecurity in Ukraine
Mandychev D. V.
Of Ukraine commercial courts as the subject of administrative law
Nyzhnyk O. S.
Administrative and legal consolidation of the system of state regional policy in higher education
Ostropilets V. R.
Forms of cooperation of the preliminary investigation mia of Ukraine with other law enforcement agencies
Smotrych D. V.
Frаmеwоrk еnfоrcеmеnt оf judgmеnts іn аdmіnіstrаtіvе cаsеs аnd dеcіsіоns оf thе Еurоpеаn Cоurt оf Humаn Rіghts
Sudakov Yu. O.
Realities of regulatory framework of preventing and combating corruption in Ukraine
Tylipska O. Yu.
The concept and content of administrative ensuarence of the right to peaceful assembly
Shkola S. M.
Legal basis of preventive work of the national police of Ukraine
Shchavinskyi V. R.
The concept of the legal interest and its theoretical and the administrative-legal nature
Yakovenko A. V.
European practice of the European Court of Human Rights, concerning the non court decisions in Ukraine
Bahirov S. R.
Social danger of the negligence crime is committed by several offenders
Bohatyrev A. Y.
Prevention of corruption are near unfreedom ministry of justice
Haiduk Yu. A.
Preventing domestic abuse in national and international law
Halytska O. K.
Use of special knowledge at investigation of pollution of the seas and other water sources
Holoviichuk L. T.
Dynamics of prevention of corruption among customs officials fiscal state of Ukraine (2008-2016 years)
Hospodarenko V. M.
Penal policy eradication us in juvenile crime
Yefimov M. M.
Nature and system criminological characteristics of bullying
Ivanchenko O. Yu.
Cybercrime criminological characteristics, prevention of cybercrime at national level
Ilchenko O. V.
Current issues on implementation criminal offenses legislation in Ukraine
Kukina Z. O.
Corporate criminal liability, comparative characteristics of common and civil law approaches
Mykhailyk D. O.
Institute location parole from serving a sentence in the penal process of Ukraine
Naumenko Yu. O.
Some aspects of criminal law qualifications crime under article 364 of the criminal code of Ukraine in the legislative changes
Pavliichuk K. V.
Concept and nature of prosecutor accusation
Skytenko L. O.
Criminological research on the theoretical and practical aspects of preventive activities to violent juvenile crime
Finchuk V. V.
The activities of organized crime in the fuel and energy complex (FEC) of Ukraine
Cherednyk O. F.
Criminological characteristics and prevention of violent crime against justice committed against witnesses and victims
Chokha K. O.
The applying of amnesty laws in foreign countries
Rustamzade A. Kh.
Legal aspects of the operation and activities of the supreme courts of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Ukraine: comparative analysis